Category Archives: Scotland

Volunteers Protect a Scottish River

ID-100581(Image courtesy of James Barker at

by Robert Barossi

I will freely admit that Scotland is one of my favorite places on the planet. When I spent a month living there during college, during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, I quickly fell in love with the city of Edinburgh, the country of Scotland and pretty much everything about it. While it was only one day, we did have an opportunity to visit the Highlands, still one of the most beautiful natural landscapes I have ever seen. This morning, I came across this great story out of Galloway, highlighting the efforts of a number of volunteers to preserve and protect the River Cree. a local organization, the River Cree Hatchery and Habitat Trust, has been leading this effort, which the article says has “rejuvenated” the river.  The Trust praises their volunteers, young and old, who have participated in a number of important initiatives, from removing fallen trees to building fences to protect the river’s banks to a number of projects which will assist the fish along their migration routes.


If you have enjoyed the stories on this blog, check out my eBook, Being Where You Are: How Environmental Volunteers Impact Their Community and the Planet Every Day


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Walking Across Scotland

ID-100581(Photo by James Barker, courtesy of

by Robert Barossi

Came across this great story from Scotland this morning. It’s also something I haven’t really found and posted here on the blog yet, a volunteer who is working to raise money for a cause. This volunteer, Daniel Moonen, is walking across Scotland to raise money for the Scottish Wildlife Trust. Specifically, he is raising money for the organization’s educational programs through the site, where he has already raised almost 400 pounds. These kinds of efforts are another way that volunteers can have a huge impact for environmental organizations and for our planet. If you have a story or know of a story of a volunteer doing something similar, post it in the comments.

More information here about the Scottish Wildlife Trust.