Category Archives: Detroit

An Urban Watershed

SDRandCo (40)(Photo by SDRandCo, courtesy of

by Robert Barossi

The city of Detroit has certainly made news over the past few years, and often for the wrong reasons. It can be argued that it’s gotten a bad rap and that there has been a lot of focus on the negatives with no attention paid to the positives. Among the positives are a number of initiatives aimed at sustainability and environmental awareness and/or improvements. There are a number of environmental organizations who remain dedicated to protecting and preserving the natural surroundings. One such group is Friends of The Rouge, an organization which has been monitoring the Rouge River and it’s watershed. This article offers details on how the Friends’ recent reports indicate how the watershed is faring and how it can still be improved.

Check out Friends of the Rouge, for more information about this group and their efforts.

A couple of other green groups in Detroit include Green Garage and The Greening of Detroit.